1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #34
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Schoolbus Nurse Truck
They're cheap and available," says Mark, who turned a 1975 Chevrolet 66-passenger bus into a handy nurse truck for spraying.
The bus had an automatic transmission and 427 cu. in. engine that were in good operating condition when purchased.
First we removed the back of the bus and rear door by drilling out the rivets. Then we removed the roof and sides, cutting them off with a cut-off saw just behind the second window. Then we reinstalled the back of the bus and rear door up behind the second window, screwing it in place and sealing up the joints.
We installed a 1,600-gal. stainless steel conical bottom tank, equipped with a sump, which we purchased from a fertilizer dealer at a liquidation sale. We beefed up the bus frame with gussets from under the remaining bus frame back to the rear axle.
Behind the tank we mounted a 7 by 9-ft. flatbed truck frame on which we mounted bottom fill couplings, a 200-gal. clear water tank, a 15 gal. inducter, and a 5 hp. 2-in. pump. The system is set up so we bottom fill the 1,600 gal. tank via a 3-in. line which is teed and reduced to a 2-in. line hooked to the pump intake. The pump discharge is a 1112 in. hose that quick-couples to all our sprayers for bottom fill convenience.
We use the clear water tank to fill the last 10 gal. or so of each load so when the couplings are unhooked, there is clear water at the break and in the discharge hose when it is not in use.
The cab of the bus is water tight and contains a seat and a small desk for keeping records. There's also storage space for products that must be kept dry.
We primarily haul mixed loads with our bus nurse truck but if the need arises, we have the inducter and can field mix."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark & Duane Dozier, Rt. 3, Box 137A, Morrisonville, Ill. 62546 (ph 217 526-3267).
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