1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #34
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IH Schoolbus Camper
Smith got the bus free from a local bus company equipped with a 345 cu. in. engine and a 5-speed transmission. He left the two front seats in place on both sides of the bus, then mounted the second row of seats facing backward and installed a table. Behind the table on one side of the bus is a refrigerator. The other side has storage shelves and cupboards for silverware, towels, food, etc., as well as an electric outlet for using hot plates to cook food. A window air conditioner mounts ahead of the storage shelves. Behind the shelves and refrigerator are two bunk beds - made out of 2 by 4's and plywood - followed by a big bed at the back of the bus.
We really like it and it cost very little to build," says Smith, who calls his camper the "Hallelujah Hotel". "We use it every year for about a week at a time when we go on vacation. It has a lot of room inside and all the headroom we want. We store suitcases, toys, etc., under the bunk beds. It doesn't have a toilet, but we usually park it at campgrounds that have toilets anyway. We paid $400 for the bus and spent another $400 for a new clutch and other repairs. We painted the bus white and red and removed the flashing lights and stop sign to make it road legal."
Smith used 3-in. channel iron to build a spare tire carrier to mount on front of bus.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lenny Smith, N4716 Hwy. G, Lake Mills, Wis. 53551 (ph 414 674-2281).
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