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Single Arm Skid Steer Loader
New from JCB Sales in England is a "single arm" skid steer loader, designed to give the operator safer side access in and out of the cab.
A ROPS and FOPS safety cab with hinged door for safe and easy side entry is standard. For greater comfort, an optional cab equipped with a shatterproof windshield is available.
The largest of two "single arm" models boasts 1,432 lbs. lift capacity at full height; a dump height of 7 ft., 4 in.; a loadover height of 8 ft., 10 in.; and 39 in. of reach at maximum height. It's self-leveling for attachments and powered by a 4-cyl., 42 hp engine.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, JCB Sales Ltd., Rocester, Staffordshire ST14 5W, England (ph 0889 590312).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1