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Silage Spreader For Trenches, Bunker Silos
"It allows you to make a much denser, more spoilage-proof pile of silage," says Rech Maschinen, a German firm, of its special-made hydraulically-operated rig for spreading silage as it's loaded into piles, bunkers or trenches. "It works much better than the usual method of leveling and packing using a tractor equipped with a leveling blade."
Available for front or rear mounting, the spreader also makes a great "tool" for moving silage into feeding mangers adjacent to a center alley. The spreading cylinder can be operated clockwise or counter clockwise.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Rech Maschinen, Reckstrasse 1-3, D-88422 Betzenweiler, Germany (ph 07374 -180).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1