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Drill Bit Compost Aerator
"You can drill 48 in. into a compost pile in one second," says Ruth Beckner who in-vented a drill bit designed for compost pile aeration that eliminates the need to continually turn the pile.
The 36-in. long steel drill bit, with a 1/2-in. flange on the end, attaches to any conventional 3/8-in. power drill with a key and chuck.
By drilling air holes in a yard-size compost pile, you can aerate the material enough to produce odor-free compost in a month, Beckner says.
Sells for $19.95 plus $3 S&H (California residents add $1.40 tax).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ruth Beckner, 15 Portola Avenue, San Rafael, Calif. 94903 (ph 800 582-6676 or 415 472-4203).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3