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Ski Nose Scraper
LaBarge Equipment Co.'s Agritek DS96 driveway scraper pivots 2 in. front to rear and features a "ski nose" front blade to en-sure excellent results under all conditions, the company says.
It's equipped with 8-ft. wide, reversible and replaceable front and rear blades. The front blade cuts high spots, directing material to fill in the whole width of the rear blade before spilling over the channel. Material is churned as it moves from front to rear so ruts and potholes get filled.
Fits Cat. I and II 3 pts. Sells for $695. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LaBarge Equipment Co., P.O. Box 8125, Holland, Mich. 49422 (ph 800 511-2022 or 616 399-7544; fax 9932).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3