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California Cow Gets Dressed Up For Holidays
Everyone puts Christmas lights on buildings, equipment, or trees, but did you ever consider putting them on your animals?
Leilani White of Ft. Bragg, Calif., did and her 8-year-old half-Hereford, half-Jersey cow is the talk of the town.
This past year the cow - named Pumpkin Petunia - sported a colorful array of Christmas lights topped off by a holly wreath. Pumpkin is a patient, good-natured animal that doesn't seem to mind donning the lights occasionally, notes White.
Pumpkin has another eye-catching outfit she wears on other occasions. It consists of a sesame seed bun hung over her back, with lettuce, cheese, pickle and tomato. Comes with fries, naturally.
When White started dressing her cow up in these and other outfits, it created so much interest she started a line of greeting cards with photos of Pumpkin on them. They sell for $2 apiece plus 32 cents postage or a set of 10 for $15 plus $2 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cow Cards, P.O. Box 1852, Ft. Bragg, Calif.

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1