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Pressurizer For Combine Cabs
If you get a lot of dust and dirt in your combine cab during harvest, you may want to take a look at how one Manitoba farmer solved the problem.
"Our cab was always dusty and hot so we decided to try to bring in fresh air. We mounted a truck heater blower on the up-per back corner of the cab, fitting it to a hole cut in the side of the cab. Then we bolted three large air cleaners end-to-end on the intake side of the blower, closing off the open end of the filters.
"The fan brings clean air into the cab and pressurizes the cab which keeps dust out. Works very well."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, L. McKee, Box 233, Norbert, Manitoba R3V 1L6 Canada (ph 204 256-0586).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1