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Two-Wheeled Bin Crane
"We use it to put up new grain bins or to increase the capacity of existing bins by adding additional rings," says Wayne Husak, of Neepawa, Manitoba, who along with his father Peter, made a two-wheeled "bin crane" with a boom that reaches 27 ft. high and can handle bins up to 20 ft. in diameter.
The "bin crane" lifts the roof by lowering a cable through the top hatch and attaching it to a steel ring. As the roof is raised, bin sections are added on later.
A heavy-duty winch off an old Army 6-WD truck mounts on the hitch. The winch is powered by an orbit motor that operates off tractor hydraulics. The hitch is built with a telescoping pipe. Another telescoping pipe runs from the top of the boom down to the front of the hitch. By removing pins from the telescoping pipes, the boom can be lowered down for transport

Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wayne Husak, Box 1228, Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada R0J 1H0 (ph 204 476-3868).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3