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No Chemical Fly Trap
If you're looking for a do-it-yourself project, you might want to build this non-chemical fly trap that's based on a 50-year old design.
University of Missouri scientist Robert Hall says the trap was invented in 1937, before widespread use of chemicals, by a USDA entomologist. He says it went out of use when DDT became widely accepted after World War II. Hall says that because horn flies have developed resistance to many existing chemicals, it's time to take another look at no-chemical solutions to the problem.
The trap's big enough so cattle can walk through, and is normally positioned along a natural walkway. As they pass through,strips of carpet hanging from the top of the trap brush off flies. As the disturbed flies scramble off the cattle, they head for light along the sides of the trap. They're forced to crawl through horn-shaped screens with a small hole towards the light. Once they get through the hole, they're trapped along the outer sides of the trap. Flies die there and fall to the ground.
To order a free set of plans to make your own fly trap, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Hall, Dept. of Entomology, 1-87 Ag Building, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 65211 (ph 314 882-6546).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #2