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Fast New Test For Grass Seed Purity
"It takes the guesswork out of grass seed harvesting, cleaning and marketing," says Ag-Renewal Inc. of its fast, accurate new way to test all type of chaffy grass seed for purity.
Called the Air-Seed Shucker, the new device uses air from your existing air compressor (40 to 90 psi) to strip chaff from grain and to then dehull the remaining seed kernels.
You only need a small 5 gram sample and it only takes 3 minutes to run the test which gives you the percent of pure seed in the sample," says Weldon Miller, president of Ag-Renewal Inc.
Dehulling the seed, explains Miller, is the "secret" to the new tester's speed and accuracy. "We think it's a must for every farmer who harvests grass seed, for seed companies, and for ASCS and SCS specialists charged with determining quality of seed being planted to grass under the CRP program. It tells you when to starting harvesting, or whether a given field is even worth harvesting. During harvesting and cleaning, it tells you how to adjust equipment to maintain optimum quality. And, when planting, buying or selling grass seed, it eliminates virtually all questions related to purity of the sample being bought, sold or planted," Miller points out.
The new tester sells for right at $1,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Follow-
up, Ag-Renewal Inc., 1710 Airport Road, Weatherford, Old. 73096 (ph 405 772-7059).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1