1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1, Page #10
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Concrete Feed Bin - First Of Its Kind
It's portable, won't rust and the most durable bulk feed bin on the market," says Howard Ehlers about the concrete bin with a "see-through" plastic top that he and partner Robert Brown of Holstein, Iowa, in-vented.Ehlers and Brown formed a new company and are manufacturing and marketing their first-of-its kind bin. It features a one-piece concrete base and cone standing about 5 ft. high. Above that is a plastic "see-through" top.
The bin comes in two sizes: a 3 1/2 ton model with a 6 ft. high plastic top, and a 7 ton model with an 11 ft. top. The same one-piece base serves both models and is equipped with a 4 1/4 in. hole to accommodate a 4-in. auger.
The "see-through" top is a real plus, says Ehlers. "Just driving by the farm, the dealer can tell whether or not your bin needs more feed. You never have to climb up the bin to check feed level. In fact, this bin doesn't even have a ladder. There's a rod connected to the door on top, which allows you to open it from the ground."
The concrete cone is laced with 150 lbs. of reinforcing rod with nine bars running parallel to each other within the cone. These are bound together with three circular rods. The base also contains three circular rods.
Concrete width is 3 in. in the cone, 5 in. in the yoke attaching the base and cone, and 4 in. in the base. "There are no weighty side supports and the entire base unit weighs only 3,000 lbs., making it light enough that you can load it onto a truck with a tractor loader," says Ehlers. "And, because the bottom part is one solid piece of concrete, you can set this bin on most surfaces with-out having to build a base for it."
According to Ehlers, the concrete contains a hardening agent which makes the finished product twice as hard as conventional concrete. Tensile strength is 6,000 lbs. In comparison, sidewalk concrete has a 3,000 lb. rating. The concrete sweats to the out-side rather than the inside, keeping feed dry. Slope of the cone is 72%, compared to 60% slope in most conventional steel bins. .Bridging hasn't been a problem with either commercial or ground feeds, Ehlers points out.
The inner side of the cone is painted with a rubber base, high gloss paint that's moisture resistant and aids feed flow. The out-side is coated with a water-base white paint. Costs are $950 for the 3 1/2 ton model and $950 for the 7 ton model.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-Farm Supply, Box 27, Holstein, Iowa 51025 (ph 712 368-4856).

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