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Pickup Bed Squats Flat To The Ground
Thousands of showgoers at the recent California Farm Equipment Show in Tulare, Calif., did double takes when they walked past this new "squat-down" pickup bed that lowers flat to the ground for loading.
Unlike other pickup-mounted cargo carriers that tilt or slide back, the new bed drops straight down to the ground so equipment can be driven straight on with no loading angle.
Built by Squatdown Mfg., Anadarko, Okla., the patent pending hauling unit mounts directly behind the pickup cab.
"It's designed to mount on a 4-WD pickup. We cut off everything behind the cab and use the front-wheel drive part of the transmission to drive the truck," ex-plains a company spokesman.
Air cylinders raise and lower the truck bed. A 12-volt compressor and 175-lb. air tank mount in a housing just behind the cab. A simple flip of a switch raises or lowers the bed in seconds. An auto-lock system prevents the bed from lowering due to loss of air.
Carrying capacity of the tandem axle bed is 8,000 lbs. An electric winch is standard equipment. In transport, deck height is just 20 in., which gives it a low center of gravity.
Sells for $18,500, not including the pickup. Also available as a towable trailer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Squatdown Mfg., 1300 E. Central Blvd., Anadarko, Okla. 73005 ) ph 800 778-2836; fax 405 247-2055).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2