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Coulter Cart Designed For Deere No-Till Drill
New "coulter cart" designed for the Deere 750 no-till drill creates a 1-in. deep tilled seedbed ahead of the drill's row units, providing an optimum environment for seed-to-soil contact, soil warm-up, and faster root penetration, says Unverferth Mfg., Kalida, Ohio.
The "Till & Drill" attachment consists of a row of staggered, fluted coulters that mount on a frame ahead of the drill. The coulters are hydraulically raised or lowered on-the-go by a pair of cylinders that operate off tractor hydraulics.
"The Deere 750 is an outstanding drill, but there are places where it won't penetrate," says Ray Rawson, inventor. "We've designed this system to provide maximum leverage on coulters so they penetrate even in the hardest soils. The coulters are mounted on a parallel link-age system that always keeps them level. The tilled soil provides a softer place for roots to develop and also eliminates sidewall compaction. Another advantage is that the coulters incorporate decayed residue to eliminate stratification of nutrients in the top layer of soil."
Available only for 15-ft. drills. Sells for $7,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Unverferth Mfg. Co., Inc., Box 357, Kalida, Ohio 45853 (ph 800 322-6301 or 419 532-3121).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2