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Bolt-On Dust Cover For Deere Planter Pivot Arm
Nebraska farmer Steve Quigley says his new bolt-on covers for pivot arms on Deere Max-Emerge planters keep dirt and dust out of the pivot point.
"The pivot arm must be greased frequently to keep it moving freely so seed will be placed at the proper depth," says Quigley, who farms near Indianola. "Even when the pivot point is well-greased, dirt often works its way in, freezing it up. When that hap-pens, seed is placed erratically, sometimes even on top of the ground. Once the pivot arm freezes up, no more grease can be put into it and you have to stop to clean it out. Each joint takes about 15 min. to clean out and there are two pivot arms for each planter row. That means it's about a 3-hour job to service my 6-row planter. In addition, when dirt gets into the pivot point, the shaft wears out faster than it should."
Quigley designed covers that fit over each pivot point, allowing it to move freely and with an access hole so you can still grease the joint without removing the cover, which attaches using the existing pivot arm bolt and a washer. "Now, instead of greasing several times a day, I can go two or three days between greasings with no problem."
Quigley Covers sell for $9.50 per row (a set of two).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schaffert Mfg. Co., Inc., Rt. 1, Box 157, Indianola, Neb. 69034 (ph 800 382-2607 or 308 364-2607).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1