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Cattle Gate Teansporter
Welder Don Moss, Tallula, Ill., designed and built this cattle gate transporter for local cattleman Mike Dudley that makes the awkward panels easy to load and haul.
Basically, it consists of a wagon gear fitted with an upright "T" hanger on front and back.
Dudley says he used to use his pickup to haul gates but that required more lifting and took longer and now he can store the gates on the transporter until they're needed again.
He hauls 12-ft. panels on one side of the trailer and 10-ft. panels on the other side. To make the trailer, Moss simply welded upright pipes to the front and back axles and then ran angle braces from the pipes down to the wagon's center pole. Cross pieces at the top of the uprights are angled upward slightly to keep the gates from bouncing off in transport. Dudley also ties the gates in place with chains or tarp straps.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Don Moss, Rt. 1, Box 27, Tallula, Ill. 62688 (ph 217 634-4158).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1