1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3, Page #29
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Waste Proof Sow Feeder
The new "Baffle Matic" sow feeder from J and J Equipment., of Hopedale, Ill., automatically dispenses feed with virtually no waste, according to Joe Slager, manufacturer.It features a unique stair-step baffle system which controls feed flow, providing sufficient feed in the pan for consumption but not enough to waste. The baffles hold feed back until what's in the pan has been cleaned up. The supply tube is equipped with an agitator which the sow bumps as she eats. However, regardless of how aggressively she works the agitator, it won't drop down more feed until she's cleaned up what's already in the pan. The baffles and agitator work together to automatically dispense a wide variety of feeds without waste -- including "sticky" high moisture or high fat rations -- and without bridging or plugging, Slager points out.
Baffle Matic, priced at $69, adapts to most farrowing crates. The bottom pan (12 by 15 in. by 5 in. deep) is made of cast iron.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J and J Equipment Inc., P.O. Box 211, Hopedale, Ill. 61747 (ph 309 449-5442).

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