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Simple New Way To Calibrate Seed Drills
"Setting rates on most seed drills and air seeders is a hit or miss business at best," says Jim McDowell, a Bay Tree, Alberta, farmer-manufacturer who's come up with a new calibrator scale that makes it easy to set application rates on any kind of seed drill, air seeder or granular applicator.
You simply attach a collection bag to one run on the drill and drive a fixed distance. Then weigh the sample taken and the scale will tell you directly the pounds per acre being applied. No mathematical calculations required. McDowell says the first time you calibrate, you should check each run to find out which runs put out the average amount of seed - because some will drop more and some less - and thereafter check just the average runs to monitor seed rate. After setting the drill accurately a few times you can just use the rate scale for occasional checks. Takes less than 15 min. to conduct a thorough test. The procedure is the same for fertilizer applicator checks.
"Works on most any machine with any seed. Best of all, there are no electronics to go wrong," says McDowell.
Made from high-impact plastic, the rate scale sells for $31.80.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J & L Marketing, 5665 Eudora St., Commerce City, Colo. 80022 (ph 303 288-2641).
In Canada, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim McDowell, Box 855, Bay Tree, Alberta T0H 0A0 Canada (ph 403 353-3783)

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3