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Cozy Caps
"Frostbitten ears on calves are no longer a problem for us since my sister-in-law Jo and I came up with ęCozy Caps' to protect calves' ears," says Geralyn Johnson, Ambrose, N. Dak.
The one-piece ear protectors are made from a poly-fleece blanket material that fastens onto an elastic halter. Velcro straps are used to secure the halter under the chin and over the nose.
W "We put them on as soon as the calf is born - before it's even dry - and leave them on for a day or two until the calf toughens up. Even if the calf's ears have already been frozen, we can usually save them by having it wear the caps for a week or two," says Johnson.
Sells for $8 plus $1 S&H. Additional halters sell for 75 cents apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Geralyn Johnson, HC1 Box 229, Ambrose, N. Dak. 58833 (ph 701 982-3573).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6