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Alarm Signals Power Failure
This light can pay for itself many times over in a single power failure emergency, says the manufacture of the new Kehr light and buzzer alarm.
The emergency light plugs into any 110 volt AC outlet. If the power goes off, it lets you know by sounding a high frequency buzzer, and by projecting a light beam. The buzzer alarm will continue for 48 hours because of the high frequency, low draw feature of the battery-operated light.
If you have hogs or cattle in confinement buildings, for example, the emergency light lets you know immediately if the regular electrical power supply goes off, allowing you to get a standby generator going before any damage is done.
Suggested retail is $35.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kehr Alternator Sales, Rock Decatur, Ind. 46733 (ph 219-565-3296).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #6