Wet Fields Don't Bother Flying Farmer
October 22, 2018
I was going through some old issues and came across this story from 1979. It created quite a stir until we looked at the date and realized the creative mind of Dieter Krieg, editor of Farmshine in Pennsylvania, had "dug up" the story.
SWAMPY FURROWS - As much as the wet field conditions are causing a lot of grief for anxious sodbusters, one innovative and resourceful Pennsylvania farmer isn't letting the muddy fields bother him too much.
Hans Hubschrauber, (that's him, flying the helicopter, above) is getting the jump on his neighbors by attacking his field work with his own air force. Having 1050 acres to prepare for corn, soybeans, spaghetti, and cotton, the 37-year-old former Air Force pilot is wasting no time to get his work done.
Using a slightly modified Augusta-Bell 204 helicopter, Hubschrauber has found his "aerial tractor" to be ideal for a number of jobs, including manure spreading.
During an inter ...
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The Early Days of FARM SHOW
October 10, 2018
Harold Johnson, at left in photo, launched FARM SHOW in January, 1977. I got hired about a year later. Harold's wife, Joan (standing, left) and two neighbor ladies, Lois and Doris, literally started out with zero subscribers and grew it to 25,000 in just one year. By the end of the second year, we had 50,000 and by the end of the third year, 100,000. So it caught on very quickly. This pic was taken in Harold's office in 1978, soon after I was hired. Harold sold me the business in 1994 and died in 2006 from complications due to Parkinsons. Mark Newhall
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