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Simple Pivot Track Filler Works With Any Tractor
Irrigation pivot tracks disrupt workflow, decrease efficiency, and add hours of labor and maintenance to a farmer’s daily tasks. Silver Armor Manufacturing designed the T110 Track Filler to fill these ruts, ensuring smooth farm machinery operation.
The T110 has a standard drawbar hitch and front jack for easy hook-up to any tractor.
It features a 12-gauge, 10-yd. capacity steel box on a heavy-duty 4 by 6-in., 1/4-in. thick frame. A 3-in. by 30-in. hydraulic cylinder controls a bottom slide gate to manage product flow volume.
“Most of our customers use sand or gravel to minimize bridging inside the box and get the best flow out the bottom gate,” says co-owner John Froese. “Clay or heavy soils will cause some bridging, but lighter soils work too.”
Below the slide gate, a 22 by 30-in. spout is controlled by a 3-in. by 16-in. hydraulic cylinder, which can be raised or lowered to direct and manage fill at desired levels.
The unit features high-quality 400/60R-15.5 16-ply tires, ensuring a smooth ride across uneven terrain.
Silver Armor products are manufactured in Mexico, and a storage and distribution center is based in Ulysses, Kan.
The T110 Track Filler is sold by North American dealers and, depending on location and dealer markups, costs between $14,000 and $15,500 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Silver Armor Manufacturing, 8167 North Rd. F, Ulysses, Kan. 67880 (ph 620-271-8116; john@silverarmormfg.com; www.silverarmormfg.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1